mardi, décembre 26, 2006

A mill in the town Croix

A you see this mill has a Christmas decoration. As I was young we called this town district near ours, the Quartier des Deux Moulins, it means in english town district of the two mills. I never seen the second mill, and this one was re-built since about fifteen years only.

lundi, décembre 25, 2006

Merry Christmas

This photo taken in Croix, is a Christmas decoration of an house, not fare where the place where I live as I was a teenager. At this time the houses had not Christmas enlightments on the road or street, only public buildings had some, but since a few years it is a new fashion to enlight the private houses on the road or street side.


samedi, décembre 23, 2006

Christmas is coming...

Here is a shop-window in Croix with Christmas decoration. I took this photo near the main place.