samedi, août 05, 2017

University of Lille

This is the inner place of the university of Lille III SHS or Human and Social Sciences, where are teached also foreign languages, and such subjects like history, art, philosophy, social sciences, literature...  At this place you can sit on the benches, when the weather is warm. The palm trees in this North Country are something rare. The big building with the paint above is the library. This university was built 1972-73. I studied there 1973-74 and other years. /


photos taken in Juny 2017

Wall painting at the univeristy

This paint on the wall of the university of Lille 3 (Human and Social Sciences) is resuming the life of the people of the region in the XXth century. Unfortunately, the colors are fading. It is made in the way of medieval book illuminations.

This university is situâted  in the neighbourtown of Lille  Villeneuve d'Ascq, at a place named "Pont de Bois"


Photo taken in Juni 2017.

samedi, juin 23, 2012


Je vois que depuis que les adresses ont changé, que nous sommes devenus .fr au lieu de .com, plus rien ne marche techniquement parlant ici, par exemple, si vous essayez de publier des phtotos, tout de suite on vous met une page blanche,

Le logiciel de publication de photo est à moitié vissible si vous cliquez sur "Envoyez un commentaire", tout cela parce que nous utilisons Internet Explorer (en bons français qui ont ce navigateur monté d'office sur leur ordianteur à l'achat) et pas Google Chrome.

Alors, plus moyen de publier une photo dans un photo blog???


PS : J'ai réussi à mettre la photo quand même, sur Google Chrome! Je jongle avec deux navigateurs sur le même ordianteur!

Children at the univesity

It is very bad to publish a photo here... I can see only the half of the publication page. This is the legend of the photo : these children croosing the ground of the univesity are seemingly going to it (Univesity of Lille, in Villeneuve d'Ascq).

 (Impossible to publish the photo. I click on publish, publih, publih and it is not coming)
(Impossible de publier la photo, je clique sur publier et cela ne vient pas)
If there are "Notify Blogger' it is only french people (young 'plaisantains") making mobbing on me. They are coming though the links of a french blog.

Cette photo représentait un groupe d'enfants (de loin et de dos) traversant le parvis d'une université. C'était de l'humour, la photo datant d'il y a trois ans, il est probable que les enfants qui ont grandi depuis, seraient heureux de s'y reconnaître et les parents d'y reconnaître leur enfants.
PS J'ai dû utiliser Google Chrome pour pouvoir publier la photo. Pas tout à fait normal!

samedi, décembre 29, 2007

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year...

We think to publish again on this blog soon. We wish to you Happy New Year and Merry Christmas.
Perle de Rosée

dimanche, mars 18, 2007

A bird on a hedge

It is small and difficult to see on the photo, but the black "thing" in the curve of the hedge is a bird, it is called in french "merle", and it can sing very well. As I was a teenager I did like to hear at them from the window of my room. I took this photo not far from the town-hall of Croix. If you do not see well the bird click on the photo to make it larger. In the back you can see the back of some buildings which belong to the town-hall garden.

jeudi, janvier 04, 2007

Happy New Year

I wish to all my readers and all the City Photo Bloggers an Happy New Year. Good Blogging.

mardi, décembre 26, 2006

A mill in the town Croix

A you see this mill has a Christmas decoration. As I was young we called this town district near ours, the Quartier des Deux Moulins, it means in english town district of the two mills. I never seen the second mill, and this one was re-built since about fifteen years only.

lundi, décembre 25, 2006

Merry Christmas

This photo taken in Croix, is a Christmas decoration of an house, not fare where the place where I live as I was a teenager. At this time the houses had not Christmas enlightments on the road or street, only public buildings had some, but since a few years it is a new fashion to enlight the private houses on the road or street side.


samedi, décembre 23, 2006

Christmas is coming...

Here is a shop-window in Croix with Christmas decoration. I took this photo near the main place.